On the bright side, demand driven programs such as G.H.Y.S. represent windows of opportunities to divert obstacles into strategic pathways to success. Our programs help prevent at-risk youth from embarking on a vicious circle of cumulative disadvantages and hence from being subject to prolonged periods of joblessness. Research and experience reveals that in aggregate, the value and impact that programs like ours bring to the Canadian society is measurable. Some of the most important outcomes include:

  • Reduction in early exits from education: Ample empirical evidence reveals that educational attainment is highly correlated to improved employment prospects and higher income capacity throughout a person's life.
  • Stewardship: Interventions in one generation will bring benefits to successive generations.
  • Human Capital Formation: Investing in youth increases human capital – the knowledge, health, skills, energy, and creativity individuals use to solve problems and earn a living. Research and experience shows that investments in youth advance a stronger civil society, equitable economic growth, and healthier lifestyles.
  • Youth Livelihoods: When youth are working, families are supported. For workforce development efforts to succeed, it is important that they meet the needs of youth.
  • Social Capital and Citizenship: Social capital and citizenship increase when youth are positively engaged. Social capital refers to basic codes of conduct, trust, and cooperative behaviour among individuals and groups – the intangible foundations of a free society. Work and service opportunities can strengthen the sense of citizenship and civic responsibility among youth.

"According to Express Pardons and Parole Board of Canada,'96% of pardon applicants have never re-offended … This is proof that giving someone a second chance is the best motivation to be a productive member of their community and not re-offend.'"